Jogos a Dinheiro – Rede de Responsabilidade Social

Trajectories of Gambling During Adolescence

Título: Trajectories of Gambling During Adolescence
Autores: Frank Vitaro, Brigitte Wanner, Robert Ladouceur, Mara Brendgen, Richard E. Tremblay
Data: 2004


This study aimed at empirically identifying groups of adolescents with distinct longitudinal trajectories of gambling involvement and validating these groups by comparing them with respect to correlates. 903 low SES boys were followed annually from age 11 to 16 years. Three groups were found: an early-onset high-level chronic group, a late-onset high-level group, and a low gambler group. The Chronic group and the Low group consistently differed on teacher-rated inhibition (i.e., anxiety) during childhood and early adolescence. They also differed on concurrent teacher and self ratings of disinhibition (i.e., impulsivity), while the Late Onset group appeared to lie in between these groups. Compared to the Low group, both high groups subsequently had elevated scores on later gambling related problems.


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