Jogos a Dinheiro – Rede de Responsabilidade Social

The Prevention of Gambling Problems in Youth: A Conceptual Framework

Título: The Prevention of Gambling Problems in Youth: A Conceptual Framework
Autores: Laurie M. Dickson, Jeffrey L. Derevensky, Rina Gupta
Data: 2002


Despite increased awareness of the need to begin educating young children about the potential dangers of gambling, empirical knowledge of the prevention of adolescent problem gambling and its translation into science-based prevention initiatives is scarce. This paper poses the question of whether or not the common elements of tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drug abuse prevention programs can be applied to gambling prevention. Common risk and protective factors across addictions, including gambling, appear to point to the need to develop a general model of primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention. The authors present the need for science-based prevention initiatives and describe a general adolescent risk-taking model as a basis for science-based prevention of adolescent problem gambling and other risk behaviors.


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