Jogos a Dinheiro – Rede de Responsabilidade Social

Relapse Prevention in Problem Gambling

Relapse Prevention in Problem Gambling

Autores: Katy O’Neil


Many problem gamblers recover without treatment. Pathways to recovery are complex and iterative as problem gamblers learn from lapses and relapses. Marlatt and Gordon’s (1985) relapse prevention (RP) model applies such recovery processes systematically through the use of coping skills in identified high-risk situations. Triggers for relapse for problem gambling overlap to some extent with triggers to relapse in substance use (e.g. negative affect). However, there are important differences. Unlike triggers for substance use, triggers for relapse to problem gambling involve financial need and the hope of winning. In the research context, the prediction of relapse has proved difficult to the point where researchers have suggested chaos models are applicable. Clinically, however, the application of individualised RP for problem gambling has been effective. Recently a mindfulness-based relapse prevention (MBRP) programme has shown promise, as has a (Re)Making Meaning Project.


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