Jogos a Dinheiro – Rede de Responsabilidade Social

Gambling among adolescents with and without hearing loss

Título: Gambling among adolescents with and without hearing loss
Autores: Susanna Geidne, Karin Fröding, Madelene Larsson
Ano: 2016



This exploratory study investigates the prevalence of gambling, preferred types of gambling, and problem gambling in Swedish young people aged 15–18 years with and without hearing loss.


A cross-sectional health survey was conducted in Örebro County, Sweden in 2014. A standardized questionnaire was distributed to 4888 students, and 4329 filled it. There were 318 (8 %) students with hearing loss. The response rate was 82 %. The 2-item Lie/Bet questionnaire (Johnson et al. in Psychol Rep 80:83–88, 1997) was used for measuring problem gambling.


More students with hearing loss had gambled during their lifetime (35 %) and in the past year (25 %) than their hearing counterparts (lifetime: 24 %; past-year: 19 %). More students with hearing loss compared to normal hearing students were identified as problem gamblers (7.7 % compared to 4.3 %).


More research is needed on gambling among people with hearing loss as well as other disabilities.


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