Jogos a Dinheiro – Rede de Responsabilidade Social

Where Gambling Has Taken Me

Título: Where Gambling Has Taken Me
Autor: Joan I. Campbell
Data: 2014

A retired 76-year old college professor, author, mother, grandmother, wife and gambler writes about the “Positive Side” of the gaming industry which includes how casinos and their employees contribute to their communities as well as employment in the industry. It provides a list of the many jobs within the casino environment as well as interviews with casino personnel and where their jobs have taken them. This book was not written to advocate gambling but to share an in-sight into this lucrative and popular form of entertainment. This hidden sport has enticed millions in the fastest growing entertainment and employment industry in the world. Personal adventures and casinos visited in Canada, Australia, the Bahamas, the United States, and London, UK are shared. Casino Antics and recommended Table Etiquette, as well as the Wins and Losses are also included. The “Down Side” covers stories from addicted gamblers. YOU CAN’T CHANGE WHAT YOU DON’T ACKNOWLEDGE

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