Título: An Analysis of the Relationship of Alcohol to Casino Gambling Among College Students
Autores: David Giacopassi, B. Grant Stitt, Margaret Vandiver
Data: 1998
Research has found significant overlap in the problem drinker and pathological gambler populations. This finding leads to the question of whether the pairing of drinking and gambling at lower levels of intensity is similarly related to a variety of negative consequences. The data for the present study were gathered in Memphis, TN, and Reno, NV, from questionnaires completed by 835 students in two universities. The data indicate that about one-fourth of students who gamble in casinos frequendy or always drink while gambling. Drinking when gambling is significantly related for males, but not for females, to size of bet, obtaining additional money while at the casino, and losing more than one can afford. The analysis suggests that an increased effort should be made to inform even casual drinkers and casual gamblers of the dangers of pairing these behaviors.
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