Título: The Effects of Modeling and Experience on Young Children’s Persistence at a Gambling Game
Autores: George C. Tremblay, Loreen Huffman, Ronald S. Drabman
Data: 1998
Gambling is common among children and adolescents, but Hide is known about factors initiating or maintaining this behavior. Fifty-one male and 51 female kindergarten and first grade children were invited to play a game involving repeated opportunities to select colored chips from a cup while blindfolded. Children playing for tangible incentives elected to play longer than those who were not (p< .001). Seeing a videotaped model win or fail to win a large prize had no effect on persistence with the game. Playing again one week later, children playing for incentives exhibited a more successful strategy, quitting sooner (p < .04) and with more winnings (p < .03). The parameters of experiential versus observational learning are discussed, with implications for educating children about risk-taking.
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