Título: Metacognitive and Mindfulness Approaches to Problem Gambling
Autor: Katy O’Neill
Data: 2017
The metacognitive therapy approach is a move from targeting the content of thoughts to targeting reactions to thoughts and feelings. Studies show that there are metacognitive deficits in problem gamblers. The use of metacognitive avoidance plays a part in maintaining problem gambling for gamblers with negative affect. Metacognitive theories of addiction suggest that problem gamblers attempting to quit need to avoid two types of reactions to intrusive thoughts about gambling, namely, attempts at suppression and elaboration of gambling urges. Metacognitive treatment involves assessing for relevant metacognitions and encouraging the client to adopt a metacognitive stance such as detached mindfulness towards their gambling thoughts and urges. This is theorised to reduce automatic reactions to urges and also to increase tolerance of negative affect without attempts to escape awareness. Early research, case studies, pilots and controlled trials have shown mindfulness training is effective for problem gambling. A controlled trial of mindfulness for problem gamblers found that gambling was reduced as well as thought suppression and rumination.
Addiction Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) Elaborated intrusion (EI) theory of desire Metacognition Mindfulness Problem gambling Thought suppression Rumination Urge
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