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Gambling and Sport: Implicit Association and Explicit Intention Among Underage Youth

Título: Gambling and Sport: Implicit Association and Explicit Intention Among Underage Youth
Autores: En Li, Erika Langham, Matthew Browne, Matthew Rockloff, Hannah Thorne
Ano: 2018


This study examined whether an implicit association existed between gambling and sport among underage youth in Australia, and whether this implicit association could shape their explicit intention to gamble. A sample of 14–17 year old Australian participants completed two phases of tasks, including an implicit association test based online experiment, and a post-experiment online survey. The results supported the existence of an implicit association between gambling and sport among the participants. This implicit association became stronger when they saw sport-relevant (vs. sport-irrelevant) gambling logos, or gambling-relevant (vs. gambling-irrelevant) sport names. In addition, this implicit association was positively related to the amount of sport viewing, but only among those participants who had more favorable gambling attitudes. Lastly, gambling attitudes and advertising knowledge, rather than the implicit association, turned out to be significant predictors of the explicit intention to gamble.


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Fonte: Springer
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