Jogos a Dinheiro – Rede de Responsabilidade Social

The Dark Side of the Punt: Problem Gambling, a Conflicted Government, and the Corporate Feeding Frenzy

Título: The Dark Side of the Punt: Problem Gambling, a Conflicted Government, and the Corporate Feeding Frenzy
Autor: Tom McCarthy
Data: 2013

The Dark Side of the Punt is the new ground-breaking book looking at Australia’s complex relationship with the peculiar phenomenon of gambling.

Written by former lawyer and comment journalist, Tom McCarthy, this fascinating book explores the shocking truths about our cultural obsession with gambling.
Read the unbelievable stories of financial and emotional devastation; the frighteningly competitive and ethically unsound state of the commercial gambling industry; the governments’ overwhelming conflict of interest; and the Courts’ reluctance to take a stand.

The book also contains a practical guide on how to stop, and accordingly, acts as an invaluable resource for problem gamblers (and friends and family), teachers and welfare workers, alike.

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