Jogos a Dinheiro – Rede de Responsabilidade Social

I Am a Gambler with Nowhere Else to Hide: A Thought Provoking Self Help Guide for Individuals

Título: I Am a Gambler with Nowhere Else to Hide: A Thought Provoking Self Help Guide for Individuals
Autor: Nelson Washington 
Data: 2008

 You are not alone. Call your local Addictive disorder clinic or gambling hot line now. “We know your secrets.”

I Am A Gambler With Nowhere Else To Hide is a concise, step-by-step guide to begin taking the risk to change. The rewards are self-acceptance, self-confidence and a sense of new purpose in your life. If you are hiding gambling from the ones you love, the anxiety, pain and rage is quite a price to pay. Your secret is out. “Get Help Now.”

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